The Administration's Reauthorization Proposal - A Critical
Appraisal The Administrations's reauthorization proposal, The Safe and Flexible
Transportation Efficiency Act of 2003 or "SAFETEA," was unveiled
on May 14 to mixed reviews. Most of the criticism centered on the proposed
funding levels which interest groups and congressional transportation
leaders alike found woefully inadequate. On the other hand, the proposal's
programmatic initiatives in areas such as safety, transportation system
management and operations, variable tolling, project delivery and public
transportation, have been favorably received. What follows is a critical
look at the Administration's proposal. Because of space constraints,
only major new initiatives will be discussed.
The First Five Hundred Days: A Mid-Point Assessment
During the last presidential campaign, the Bush-Cheney campaign organized
a number of "Policy Teams" to frame the issues, identify
program priorities and develop policy positions to help guide the campaign
and subsequently the new Administration. Four members of the transportation
policy team - Stephen Lockwood, Kenneth Orski, Alan Pisarski
and Robert Poole - have decided to revisit their team's
work and assess the extent to which the US Department of Transportation
has embraced the team's recommendations. No one anticipated the massive
impact of the events of 9/11 on transportation and transportation policy.
The necessary preoccupation with the security needs of the nation initially
diverted the attention and focus of the DOT senior team to more urgent
matters. The release of the Administration's proposal for a reauthorization
legislation offers the first opportunity to gain an insight into the
thinking of the DOT team on broad policy issues, as the Administration
reaches the mid-point in its term of office.
The Intelligent Transportation Systems Program - A Change
in Direction?
With Congress preparing to reauthorize the ITS program as part of the
surface transportation act, a dispassionate examination of the program
and its accomplishments could help the lawmakers to chart the program's
future. As Phil Tarnoff, a respected leading member of the ITS community,
put it, "an objective evaluation of the ITS program's past
successes and failures could be extremely useful for identifying new
directions and programmatic modifications." What follows is a
brief look at the ITS program today, drawing on Tarnoff's assessment
and supplemented by your editor's own observations.
London's Congestion Charging Scheme- Will Other
Cities Follow?
Even with five months' worth of experience under the belt, the
ultimate verdict on London's congestion charging scheme is still
not in. True, traffic levels inside the control zone have decreased and
circulation within the zone has improved appreciably. But retail sales
in Central London have fallen sharply and the congestion charge is singled
out for blame. London's experiment continues to be watched closely
by transportation professionals and the media the world over. City officials
from many other British cities and from foreign countries have visited
London for a first-hand look. It remains to be seen whether they will
follow London's example.
After nearly twenty years of planning and construction, significant segments
of Boston's Central Artery project (" The Big Dig")
finally opened this year. Coinciding with the opening has been a publication
of two groundbreaking new books discussing complex multi-billion dollar
transportation projects. They are "Mega-projects: The Changing
Politics of Urban Investment by Harvard University's Alan Altshuler
and David Luberoff (Brooking Institution Press, 2003) and "Megaprojects
and Risk: An Anatomy of Ambition" by Bent Flyvbjerg, Professor
at Denmark's Aalborg University (Cambridge University Press,
2003). The books provide fresh perspectives and new insights into the
forces that are shaping contemporary public works projects.